Výsledek hledání:
(2) Stránky » Contact
Jarmila MORÁVKOVÁBedřichov 1674e468 12 BedřichovCzech republictel.: (+420) 608 644 656e-mail: bedrichov.jizerky@seznam.
(3) Stránky » Photos
Vestibulum tellus dui montes a libero Donec fermentum et hac at. Tincidunt rutrum Nam quis cursus odio nulla Suspendisse Praesent pellentesque consectetuer. Tincidunt tellus dapibus semper id tortor laoreet ut wisi id consectetuer.
(5) Stránky » The cottage
DescriptionThe cottage was built around the year 1850 and a lot of changes have been made since that time. In complete reconstruction in 2003 we restored it to the image of a traditionat mountain cottage.
(10) News » Advertising
Special advertising was shooted on our cottage on February this year. Do you want to see it? Download it here in mpeg formát (cca 10MB).